The Great AI Debate

Ahead of Techweek we're hosting the Great AI Debate. Andres Guadamuz, a senior lecturer at the University of Sussex said “the rise of the machines is here, but they do not come as conquerors, they come as creators”. We'll bring together a panel of experts on Media, Ethics and Artificial Intelligence to discus the implications … Continue reading "The Great AI Debate"


Showcasing New Zealand Tech

Join a group of New Zealand Tech Alliance communities to celebrate the launch of the AI Forum's research report, Artificial Intelligence: Shaping a Future New Zealand. Executive Director, Ben Reid will discuss key highlights, including the potential impact and opportunities for New Zealand. FinTechNZ's Executive Director, James Brown will discuss the growth of the FinTech space and what FinTechNZ are … Continue reading "Showcasing New Zealand Tech"


For all events during Techweek'18 visit the full programme:

AI and Computer Vision applications, impacts, ethics

A University of Otago panel will discuss advances, diverse applications, impacts and ethics of AI, machine learning and computer vision.  An overview of recent applications and advances in AI, machine learning and computer vision. A discussion of the ethics of the use of these technologies including driverless cars, impacts on employment and the criminal justice … Continue reading "AI and Computer Vision applications, impacts, ethics"

Creative Realities

Technology is rapidly changing the way we live and work, and ensuring the impact of that change is good for humanity is a complex, creative endeavour. New Zealand’s creative industries are filled with innovative thinkers and tinkerers who are searching for ways to solve some of the world’s biggest challenges using artificial intelligence, augmented and … Continue reading "Creative Realities"

From $95

Public Lecture: The future of data

Data is everywhere, fuelling the systems that machines use to make decisions for us. How might we better harness the human and machine capital at our disposal to address them?

Wellington.AI 3.0

Calling all AI-loving product, business and techie people to the third of our quarterly gatherings in June!