AI Forum News

New Zealand needs a national strategy for AI

New Zealand has an opportunity to create AI that not only solves big problems at home, but that can also be seen as technology that is good for the world.
AI Forum News

Two weeks to go!

I can’t be more excited that we are just two weeks away from the Aotearoa AI Summit and with no current community cases of COVID-19 so we can meet in person!
AI Forum News

Introducing Aotearoa’s proposed AI cornerstones

Ahead of the industry engagement roundtables for the National AI Strategy during the Aotearoa AI Summit on 12 May in Auckland, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) have provided this summary, outlining the need for a strategy and the proposed cornerstones.
AI Forum News

NZ’s pioneering AI experts speaking at crucial summit in Auckland

NZ’s pioneering AI experts speaking at crucial summit in Auckland, 17 March. AI is projected to underpin $US15.7 trillion of global economic growth by 2030. Join us as we explore how we best apply these opportunities to Aotearoa. Register today spaces are limited.